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Tackling Damp, Humidity & Moisture Problems In Cellars

Here in the UK, the weather can be extreme in the winter, with heavy rain, cold snaps and even flooding and causing a rise condensation, damp and mould in the interior of houses. As cellars are often situated below ground, the walls are surrounded by conditions that favour penetrating dampness with no protection – water can leak through cracks, groundwater and rainwater can saturate the soil around a home and water vapour can penetrate walls.

If you live in a house or have a business property with a cellar and are unlucky enough for it to be damp then you will most likely have explored many options as to how to reduce the moisture levels in your cellar. Damp in cellars is not an uncommon problem. In fact, they are often considered dark awkward spaces that are prone to damp. However common, high relative humidity levels can cause damage to the items stored in the cellar.

To eliminate damp in basements it is important to understand the cause of the excess moisture and where it is coming from. If damp is coming from excess moisture rather than a leak or drainage problem, a cellar dehumidifier is the perfect solution.

What Causes Damp in A Cellar

Cellars are also known for having less-than-stellar air conditions and moisture issues can lead to water damage to items in storage or to walls and flooring. The cold surfaces of underground walls are perfect for the meeting of humid air containing excess moisture, which results in condensation and can lead to a damp basement - even if it is one that has been modernised.

Moisture in the air is usually the culprit in these scenarios, but often water leaks and rainwater ingress can be the root cause of damp or humid spaces. Without a little help, these underground dwellings can be damp, smelly, and just plain uncomfortable to be in.

Best Ways To Tackle Moisture Problems in A Cellar

Thankfully, the good news is there are many ways that homeowners can stay vigilant throughout the seasons to prevent these cellar problems. While the ultimate fix for reducing damp cellars is to have them tanked or to seal the walls and floor to stop moisture from permeating, there are some alternative methods of maintaining a better humidity level in the cellar which will help to control the damp and situation.

One of the most popular and easiest to do is using a cellar dehumidifier. Whether you’re trying to keep the mold growth in your basement at bay, trying to preserve items stored in the cellar, or wanting to improve the air quality of your man cave, a dehumidifier is a must-have. With more and more people taking advantage of their cellars for storage or recreation, it is time to do something about air quality.

Cellar dehumidifiers take out that stale air and breathe new life into the space. Without one of these devices, basements quickly become a haven for condensation and mold. This can ultimately lead to rot and damage. To save your space, protect items within the cellar and make it a place you want to spend time in, look at some of these high-quality cellar dehumidifiers.

Dehumidifiers do not take up a huge amount of space or use a lot of electricity, so it is okay to leave the machine running for long periods of time to help to maintain the lower level of humidity and damp in the cellar.